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Terms of Service update
Shawn Kranitz avatar
Written by Shawn Kranitz
Updated over a week ago

We’ve updated our Terms of Service

If you use the tool to design systems your company installs, this update does not apply to you.

If you are in the business of making documents that you sell to your customers, such as permit packages, this update applies to you.

If the above is true but you are a low-volume user, we will likely grant you a waiver. If you use SolarDesignTool to generate a significant number of documents for resale, please contact us through the blue messenger button in the bottom righthand corner of the app so we can issue a reseller’s license and put you on a special plan. This does cost more than the normal plan, but the pricing is still extremely reasonable.

 So, why is this change being implemented?

We are working on many improvements to the SolarDesignTool app, all of which cost money. Rather than raising prices evenly across the board, it seemed fairest to us to introduce two main plan families - one for low-volume users like most installers, and another for high-volume users like most content resellers - so that users pay in proportion to the amount of value they get out of the app. Content resellers who resell a high volume of documents receive a lot of value from SolarDesignTool, and we believe that increasing prices on resellers is fair, reasonable, and will help improve the app for everyone.

With that in mind, we’ve added the following clause to our Terms of Service:

License Restrictions

No Reselling of Content. Customer is not permitted to resell Content, in part or in whole, to a third-party without written permission from Verdiseno. The reselling of Content is prohibited even if the Content constitutes only a portion of what the Customer sells to third-party. If Customer wishes to resell Content, Customer may do so by requesting and acquiring a special license from Verdiseno.

 If you have any questions or concerns about the updates, feel free to send us a message, and we’ll be happy to assist.

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