New California Setback Rules (effective July 1, 2018)
Pathways to ridge (CFC 605. Not less than two minimum 36" wide pathways on separate roof planes. One of the pathways must be accessible from the street or driveway.
Setbacks at ridge (CFC 605. Arrays occupying less than 1/3 of the total roof area require 18" setback. Arrays occupying more than 1/3 of the total roof area require 36" setback.
Alternative setback at ridge (CFC 605. For homes with a sprinkler system, if the array occupies more than 2/3 of the total roof area, 36" setbacks are required. If less than 2/3, 18" setbacks.
Emergency escape and rescue openings (CFC 605. Panels and modules installed on dwellings shall not be placed under a bedroom window. 36" access pathway must be directly below the window.
New Capabilities & Features
Code Compliance for New California Setback Rules
Indicate the presence of an automatic fire sprinkler system
Calculate the array occupancy area
Specify the location of the street
Other Features
Specify the location of the gas meter
Code Compliance for New California Setback Rules
Indicating an Automatic Fire Sprinkler System
If the residence has a fire sprinkler system installed, the California Fire Code allows for relaxed setback requirements. If the array occupies less than 2/3 of the total roof area, 18" setbacks are required at the ridge. If more than 2/3, a 36" setback at the ridge is required. You can specify the presence of a sprinkler system in the Project Info in the "Site Structure" section.
If set to "yes," an additional note will be included on the Fire Safety Plan (PV-7) of the permit package.
Calculating the Array Occupancy Area
California setback requirements now differ based on how much of the total roof area is occupied by the array. As such, we've introduced a way to view the array occupancy percentage in the system builder to help you accurately determine how wide to make your setbacks. The "Total Plan View Array Area" and "Array Roof Coverage" fields will dynamically update as you add or remove modules from the design.
Note: This feature is only available when using a 3D XML model. The app is unable to calculate the total roof area when using the aerial trace-over or abstract site definition methods because of the possibility that the user has not defined all the roof faces on the residence.
There will also be an additional note included on the Fire Safety Plan showing the array coverage percentage.
Locating the Street
Because one of the new California setback rules requires that at least one pathway to the ridge must be accessible from the driveway or street, we've added the ability to locate the street when specifying equipment locations.
Note: This only applies when using a 3D XML model. When using an aerial image, the street will be visible on the site plan.
Other Features
Locating the Gas Meter
Some jurisdictions may require that you show the location of the gas meter and/or the gas meter clearance requirements. This can be specified in the Project Info in the "Site Structures" section.
If set to "yes," the gas meter can be placed when specifying equipment locations.
When generating a permit package, there will be a new option to show to the gas meter clearance requirements.
If set to "yes," the note displayed on the site plan will show the clearance requirements.