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March 2018 Update

Custom site images, custom design files, and colored tabs

Nate Phillips avatar
Written by Nate Phillips
Updated over a week ago

New Capabilities & Features

Custom Documents

  • Ability to upload custom site images, including custom parcel maps

  • Ability to upload custom design files

User Interface

  • Colored tabs

Code Updates

  • California Electrical Code (CEC) 2016

Custom Documents

In cases where your AHJ requires submittal of documentation that cannot be generated within the app, you can now include that documentation in the permit package by uploading it to your project.

Custom Site Images

Site images, including custom parcel maps, can now be optionally added to your project. Site images are images that apply to the site location, but not to a specific design. They can be applied to any design within the project. See the tutorial for more information.

Custom Design Files

Design files can also be optionally added to individual designs. These files are design-specific and will only appear in the design to which you upload them. See the tutorial for more information.

User Interface

Colored Tabs

The tabs in the "Site" and "Design Options" sections of the project have been colored to organize the growing range of functions now included within the app. The colors mean the following:

  • Yellow = Information Input. Yellow tabs denote places in the project where information can be added to produce documents in their most complete form.

  • Blue = Document Output. Once the system parameters have been specified, the blue tabs denote where documents can be generated and downloaded.

Code Updates

California Electrical Code (CEC) 2016

Users in California can now select CEC 2016 as an option in Project Info. Support for NEC 2017 is currently under development and will be included in the next update.

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